Part 42: CH35: Round One: Fight
CH35: Round One: Fight

He said he'd like to speak to Rowen.
His name is Julius. Do you know him?

And you must be Carrie's husband... Julius.
Julius: I should have known the Conductor would already know the score.

My question is, how do you know about me?
Julius: Carrie had a ring with your name engraved on it when I met her.
When I saw her using calculatrics without a spyrix, I knew she had to be from the otherworld.
I volunteered for the Otherworld Reactor Plan expedition so I could learn more about her past.

Julius: Because I hid the ring from her! The one with your name on it.
I didn't want her to have anything that would remind her of her past!
I'm a coward who took advantage of her amnesia in order to steal her heart.

Even twenty years ago, I'm not sure I could have ever done anything to make her smile like that.
Julius, you must make it back to Elympios alive!
Your wife and daughter are waiting for you.
Your only sin is abandoning the people who love you.
Julius: But, there isn't any way for me to get back.

In fact, I insist upon it. However...

Julius: Rowen, it's been an honor to meet you.

Carrie: Well, that won't do. You must take better care of yourself.

Carrie: I just had to come and thank you all in person.
Thank you so much. If it wasn't for you and your friends, we might never have seen Julius again.
Rowen, how have you been?

Carrie: Apart from a few more wrinkles, nothing.

You seem very happy.
Carrie: I am. You do too.

Carrie: That's wonderful.
But do take care of yourself.

Now then, let us be off!

Boy: Thank you so much!
Woman: Oh, really? That's wonderful.

Woman: You all are too?!

Boy: Hey, can you believe it? I can see now!
It's all thanks to the spyrite this lady made for me!

Uh, we've seen some spyrites already. I think this might be a mistake of some sort, or a mis-translation of something. Maybe "they've already put spyrites into production" or so?

The only difference is that ours has devolved to the point where it no longer functions.

When Rieze Maxia's existence was confirmed, and we learned that the legend was true...
It was a huge surprise, not just in scientific circles, but to all people of Elympios.

Then I'm sure we can all work together. Just like you guys are doing here!

Reize Maxians: ......

Boy: What's "duress"?

But I promise you their rights have not been violated! They're cooperating with us of their own free will.
Man: What else could we do? There's no way for us to go home.
Second Man: Really? I kind of like it here, to be honest with you.
Back there I was just a fisherman, but here I can help save an entire world!
If this research succeeds, the repercussions will be huge! Right, Dr. Balan?

Woman: We don't need your rewards. Just get us back to Rieze Maxia.
Boy: ......
Woman: I know what we're doing here could help the people of this world.
But is it so crucial that you had to rob us of our lives?!

But we Elympions are quickly reaching a point where we may not survive without help.
Please, help us.
Boy: I'm sorry.
Woman: No, I shouldn't have said that.
This shouldn't have been one of the first things for you to see. I'm sorry.

Soldier: Beats the hell out of me! It just attacked out of nowhere!
We tried to fight it off with new spyrix weapons designed to repel Muzét, but they did nothing!
You guys get out of here. We'll hold it off for as long as we can!

Looks like a job for Rowan. Also this guy's model gets reused in Xillia 2 for one of the more annoying bosses.

Electroshock Skull fires an orb of electricity that...

Terminates in a column of lightning

Thunder Clad is a point blank AOE and a buff too, shrounding him in lightning.

His tendency to do burrow attacks (and the fact that it's impossible to damage enemies doing that) makes this take way longer than it should.

Thunder Blow hits a huge AOE repeatedly.

I really need to replace the armor on these guys, we're dying up a storm here.

I'm not 100% sure what "Thunder Stav" is because he does the same move earlier with no popup name.

Fuck you and

And Leia finally manages to not bop Milla on the head during their end battle skit. Woohoo.
Soldier: I can't believe you beat that thing.

Soldier: Oh yes, I was positively shocked.

Soldier: Forgive me! Just releasing a little tension!
I really am impressed that you were able to defeat such a powerful monster without using spyrix.

I was afraid it might... bolt.

Soldier: I think that hit harder than the monster.

Victim: I... I came to investigate reports of the ground collapsing.
But then poisonous gas started leaking out from that fissure... Get out of here... while you still can.

Miasma is most famous among Tales fans for its appearance in Tales of the Abyss (and this dungeon is named Tatalian Abyss, which is a play on Anise Tatlin's (from Tales of the Abyss) last name.
It also appeared in Tales of Phantasia.

Prolonged exposure to it will kill anything. Humans, spirits, plants, animals...

I doubt that merely covering the hole would suffice when it's under this much pressure.

Then we can go in and seal the leak at its source.

They seem to have been arranged so that when the wind seal is disabled, the earth seal is activated.

These seals were placed here by spirits of an older era in order to keep the miasma at bay.
Originally there were four seals: one each for earth, water, wind, and fire.
But the fire and water seals have broken, which allowed the miasma to seep out.

Probably long before Elympios and Rieze Maxia were separated.

We don't have much time. So I suggest we use the power of gravity to destroy it.

Sounds like we've got some climbing to do!

Wind weakness = get fucked.

The guide says its attacks are slow than the other Devil's Arms bosses but I'm not seeing it.

Gotta say I hate 360° attacks.

Ugh, finally using a skill. No points for guessing what Evil Breath does. I feel like the fights in Xillia are just less interesting than the ones in Graces were.

He does a loop-de-loop and then charges forward.

Not sure what Shock Howling does. Maybe a chance to stun? And it can't get you in the middle of a linked arte?

I think I've been underutilizing Alvin, after I brought him in this dumb dragon has been taking a lot of falls. Although maybe that's because it keeps using Shock Howling, which does nothing but leave him open to getting whacked it seems.

Spit Bomb is self-explanatory.

Nice aim dummy.

So uh Shock Howling ladies and gentlemen.

That was a Devil's Beast, wasn't it?

A stroke of luck, to be certain.

What if that monster came here to die of its own volition?

Maybe it got tired of fighting, and it thought the miasma could help it die?

But the idea of a being created for an unwanted purpose, desperately battling with its own destiny... It doesn't sound so far-fetched to me.
Skit Video: Devil's Beast Extermination

So yeah, the Devil's Arms right now are maybe about as good as the weapons you were using to kill the Devil's Beasts. But we can't do more about this until we beat the final boss.
Skit Video: Fists of Jude

You have the hands of a true man.

Girl: What's your name?

Girl: Well, you beat us fair and square, Pro Pinkist Elize.
Second Girl: Super fair and square!

Girl: Come with us. We'll show you the cute pink thing.

Second Girl: Super pink, right?
Girl: Here Elize, this is for you. Congrats on becoming a pro pinkist.
They hand over a weapon with pretty good stats but nothing else exceptional about it. Saves me some money though!

Patel: The Transcendental Ring has been restored to its former glory!

Well hello there. Whatever the hell those things are. Milla confirms that they aren't spirits.

"Tail Rush" seems to be a bit of a misnomer, since it's the only limb they're not pummeling you with there.

They have some of Elize's darkness spells.

Incidentally I'm absorbing dark damage

Chaotic Soul spawns darkness projectiles...

...and then darkness pillars.

With one down it gets a fair bit easier.

Although his rush attack still hurts.

Nice XP for that.

Tess: I am so sorry! We had no idea the Transcendental Ring was sealing away monsters.

Besides, it would be a shame to destroy something so beautiful.

Tess: I never imagined they would best our minions!
And we were so close to breaking Maxwell's seal.
Patel: But it was kind of fun having those humans around.
Tess: Indeed. Out of respect to them, we shall temper our efforts... for the moment.
Patel: Ha! Just admit that you actually enjoy having our soul split in two and sealed in these bodies!
Tess: Well, I'm certainly not in a hurry to break free. After all, you and I have all the time in the world.
Patel: Yes. Death comes to everything in due time: Lives, worlds, and... even seals.
The only thing that transcends death...
Tess: -----, Lord of the Underworld.
Patel: -----, Lord of the Underworld.
So uh you're probably expecting a follow up to this. NOPE! There is none. Until Tales of Xillia 2, which has a thing that doesn't mesh 100% with what just happened here.
I'm pretty sure this is supposed to be a throwback to Phantasia, where you fight Pluto, King of the Underworld. As demons, his followers would be neither a beast nor a spirit, so it'd make sense for Milla to be confused as to what they are. Too bad the back end of this game is rushed as fuck.

Receptionist: Welcome to the Xian Du Coliseum! Where pain is the game and blood is the currency!
How can I help you?
Apply to fight
Wonderful! Okay boys, we've got a live one here!
At what level would you like to fight?
OK, so there are basically four options here at the arena. Basic/Advanced singles, and Basic/Advanced group. I'll be showing you the Advanced for both, since during the course of each you do all the fights from basic.
Advanced Single
Receptionist: Excellent choice. So who will be recklessly risking life and limb today?

Receptionist: You sure you're ready? If you've got unfinished business in the mortal world, you might regret stepping into that ring.
Receptionist: These are the items you can use during the fight. Use them wisely if you want to survive!

The items we can use are restricted, which in my opinion is a step up over the "no items at all" of some previous Tales games.
Receptionist: All right then, it's off to battle with you! Have fun!

OK so take a look at the edge of the arena. Anyone who falls/gets knocked off it insta-loses. I've had a few failures in the past due to around-step of all things taking me off the edge.

Most of the enemies here can be blitzed down by summon spirits. I'll be skipping over non-notable enemies because there's a lot of them.

Not a lot of damage, but I'm really, really scared of any attack that pushes me.

Bullshit unstaggerability working for and against me simultaneously.

Ledge working in my favor.

These guys aren't so tough, and in Beginner mode are the last enemies you face.

Dialog for the end of Beginner Mode:
MC: This Beginner Single battle has concluded, with Milla Maxwell as the victor!
You did it, Milla!

MC: You've won over a lot of fans with your bewitching fighting style.
Is there anything you'd like to say to them?

MC: A comment fit for a queen! Thank you, Milla!

Anyway, continuing...

Treant can get good distance on a knockback but is otherwise weak.

The first difficult set, since they have a fair chunk of HP and will block if you're facing them. They can also knockback and fire line attacks that have knockdown and knockback in that order so you can't block-cancel the knockback.

These guys got me a few times because they have some really huge knockbacks.

Fucking close. I started off next to the green thing. The earth and wind guys are probably the easiest to kill but the dragon has the nastiest knockback.

Now we fight 5 gentlemen, four of which are elemental.

This is all about bursting them down to a manageable number.

Not the strongest healing item, but I have time to dodge these guys.

Holy Symbol + Free Run = Super Good

This isn't too bad, but the tortoise has cannons that can take off 1100 or so from me with each shot at a decent range.

If you set it up right you can just absorb most of this guy's attacks but FUCK IT so I pushed him off the edge.

Asshole hands out arteseal so fuck that.

So yeah the way to go here is to just burn him down when you can and run around healing up when you can't. BTW note that the arena has a railing now, so that you can't win by tricking Ivar into ringing himself.

I think his AI is set up to mostly fight Jude, he's too far away from Milla to hit with that.

I did in fact die to his Mystic Arte once. Well, fail the arena. You can't actually game over here.


MC: As elegant as she is beautiful! As grand as she is graceful!
With her fast and fluid fighting style, I know I couldn't peel my eyes away from Milla's stunning athletic form!

MC: Ha ha... ha... I don't think we need to get into... specifics.

I'm sure everyone is eager to hear your expert analysis.
MC: How... How about her, folks?! That's our Queen Milla for you!
No one can stand up to her relentless offensives! Not even me!
And with that, I'd better conclude this interview before I get myself in even more trouble!
So long!
For our reward, we get the Jude Sync skill for Milla, which lets her Snap Pivot when linked with Jude.

So uh every single enemy here is a thing we boss-fought earlier. EVERY SINGLE ONE. The only difference is that their stats are different and we fight them in pairs. At least the solo arena had a few unique enemies.

So we're basically fighting nearly every single non-humanoid boss in order of appearance. I didn't really like fighting most of these guys the first time and it's not like they have any new moves. Let's skip ahead.

This is where Beginner mode ends.
Beginner mode victory dialog:
MC: Jude and Milla's team has emerged triumphant in a thrilling Beginner Group battle!
Tell me, what do you think was the most important factor in your victory?

MC: Um... Is there a reason you're all saying the exact same thing in different ways?

Our reward is 10,000 gald.
Second verse, same as the first. The rest of the non-humanoid, non-spyrite, non-devil's arm boss monsters.

The two outdoor optional bosses at once is kind of annoying. This will take the entire rest of the video.

I switch in Leia to conserve a life bottle. Took a lot of maneuvering to get the party back up. Also if you watch, you realize I forgot Leia can't cure statuses.

I didn't like either of these bosses by themselves, and fighting them together sucked balls. Graddic Claw won't last much longer.

Oh dear. Had to use a life bottle there.
And now, for the actual good fight: people!

So I wonder how many of you thought it was a lost opportunity that we never fought the Chimaeriad at full strength? Well now we can!

So, notice how there are two red links? Yeah.

So I can't quite recall why I chose to take Jiao out first. Maybe because he's easier to hit?

Fatal Crossing is Jiao and Wingul's linked arte, which I don't think we've ever seen before.

Jiao knocks a victim into the air, then they charge through them in mid air. It gets foiled if the initial toss fails for whatever reason, like many of our linked artes.

I don't think Jiao and Presa have any linked artes.

I don't remember Presa's "fling cards/pages in a circle" move before.

Now that's a well-timed Opportune Moment. Thanks Rowen!

One down, three to go.

Agria next.

Halfway there

So Presa/Wingul do have a linked arte.

Which appears to be trapping a target in a water bubble and then slashing the hell out of it.

WHOOPS! His Mystic Arte trumps my super mode.

And with this I think we've been hit by every single mystic arte in the Chimaeriad.

Somewhat annoying.

Getting a little low on life bottles.

And then this happens. Man, if I'd lost here after like an hour of fighting with the Chimaeriad almost down I'd be so pissed. Fortunately Leia and some lemon gels see me through.

And then there was one.

That battle time doesn't count time spent in menus or scene transitions, so the real time for the videos is OVER AN HOUR. Note that due to the raw brute strength of the revive mechanics in Xillia, I beat this on the first try.
MC: This Advanced Group battle comes to a thrilling conclusion with Jude and Milla's team as the triumphant victors!
So what was the secret to your success?

MC: Um... This is because I scolded you about everyone saying the same thing last time, isn't it?

MC: I see. And yet despite seeming to disagree with each other, you've all said the exact same thing once again.

For winning, we get a skill tome that grants everyone the Linked Action skill, which gives us an extra AC and is shared with whoever we're linked with. Not really that great, I'm almost never really constrained by AC, usually my problem is enemies not being staggered or breaking out of combos.
So, aside from the stupid black feather quest (which I just need to grind some for) that's all the sidequests we can do before actually defeating the final boss.